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Financial Awards

BeyondAdmissions offers financial awards for participation in our workshops and coaching services to low-income students dedicated to completing a college degree. Unlike most financial awards, eligibility is not based on GPA since we understand the various obstacles students face during their academic career. Instead, we award committed students seeking help navigating the many aspects of academic and social life that may have hindered their ability to succeed. 


Financial Awards are granted on a quarterly basis. All applicants must demonstrate financial need determined by eligibility for a Federal Pell Grant. The application requirement includes five easy steps and we are  available to help you through the process! 


  • Complete online Financial Awards Application.

  • Submit essay online with your Financial Awards Application.

    • Tell us in 600 words or less (two double-spaced pages maximum) what obstacles you have faced that have hindered your ability to succeed in college. Make sure to include how you think we can help you succeed and which services sound most useful for you. 

  • Submit transcript online with your Financial Awards Application.

    • This can be an unofficial transcript​ and is only viewed to see your academic path so far. Your GPA will not be taken into consideration. â€‹

  • Submit proof of financial eligibility online with your Financial Awards Application.​​

    • This can be a pdf of the Pell Grant award letter or a screen shot of an online award notification. 

  • Provide one letter of recommendation via email at

    • Recommendations may be completed by a professor, administrator, clergy member, therapist​, athletic coach, employer or any individual who can speak to why you would benefit from our services. 


Please note: Take this opportunity to be yourself! Feel free to have others read your essay submission, but remember - we are not looking for accomplished writers. We are looking for people in need of a bit of support to make the best of their college experience.

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